Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sometimes you just have to say enough. I worked on the Incredible Poncho last night. I was going to keep knitting until the end of the 4th ball, which I did. The whole time I have been reknitting this (once before on size 15 needles), I have been telling myself if was not wide enough. But I refused to stop, just telling myself that it is a ribbon and it will stretch.

Last night at the end of ball 4 on 17 needles, I pinned it together, tried it on and said it is just not wide enough (which affects the length of it), but as I stood there looking in the mirror, I realized, making it wider would just do nothing for me. So it was at that time, that I decided sew it up, put the fringe on it and let it be what it is.

Is it a favorite or will it be one I truly love? No, I don't think so, but maybe it will grow on me (something you never want knitted items to do), but when you want them to they don't. I am finished with it, have put it away for now, and am moving on to other things, like my SMW Market Sweater Goal. Sometimes, you just have to move on.

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