Thursday, March 09, 2006

I'm Going To Be A Great Aunt Again!

For the 4th time. It has been a while since we had a baby in our family. This baby is a special one. I don't want to say this is my favorite niece who is expecting, but this is one who will be a great mom, and they have wanted this for some time. Now it is finally coming true.

The best part of this for me is it is for a Fall baby. Fall babies are wonderful to knit for. You have such a long knitting/wearing season. And this mom will be appreciative of any and all that is knitted for her. Although, as a child, she was not so appreciative of "hand made stuff". Fall babies can have knit stuff done for them from birth all the way to Spring. And then Fall comes around and you can knit for their birthdays too! This is one baby that I will knit for, almost as much as I would for a grandchild of my own.

A few months ago, when going through my closet, I happened across this kit. I bought it years ago at some knitting event, just because it was a puppy!
This is a perfect sweater for the baby to be, because the parents have an adorable chocolate lab, Sam, who is not really a dog, she is their daughter. Won't this so cool for them? And I will eliminate some stash.

When I told my husband about the new baby-to-be and I could now start knitting for the baby right away, he had the nerve to tell me that I couldn't knit any specific color. I had a come back though! My response - I'll knit two of each!

This may well be the Summer of knitting for babies! Somewhere, I have a Ramblin rows Afghan in pastel colors I started forever ago. This would be perfect for this baby. More stash reduction! And I'll bet there are needles in the project too!

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