Friday, August 03, 2007

Focus On Five Friday

Oh no, I still have more camp to talk and show some pics of, but around the last evening of camp, the other two Radicals and I discussed how out of control our/my knitting and knitting related shopping had become.

We made a committment to each other that we would concentrate on the projects we have and buy no new yarn, unless it is needed for a current project to be completed. I think we also committed to not starting anything new until something is finished. Me, I have decided to concentrate on five things at a time. Before, I can start or move to a wip, I must complete (and I do mean complete) one of the five things on my list.

I am using my new journal from Schoolhouse Press to keep track of my knitting between now and next year's camp.So far, I am doing really well with my commitment. I almost cheated the first day we were home, and ordered some laceweight from Meg, telling myself that I could always lie and say I ordered it on the last day, but I held tough, and I did not order it.

So, I have dubbed Fridays, as Focus on Five, on the pjknits blog! My five for the moment are:
1 - Socks (Char and Linda say socks don't count, but for me, they really are a major project and warrant their own spot)
2 - Ribwarmer, the knitting is done, it just needs to be sewn together. It has been in that state because
3 - The Gansey, I've been knitting along on it and am at the pattern part of it as of a couple of nights ago. I am using Gaffer's Pattern for the pattern. The yarn is my Rauma Wool from Arnhild
4 - The Wing of the Moth Shawl for my son's wedding next May. It can only be worked when no one is around, because I really need to pay attention to it
5 - The Pi Shawl from the Almanac.

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