Saturday, March 03, 2012

Knitting Pipeline Retreat

The consensus last night while at the Knitting Pipeline Retreat over in Washington is that for $50, we are getting quite the deal. 

First off, these really neat totes.  Zippered top and all.  This was so unexpected.  Dinner was included last night with soup and salad bar (which rivaled any commercial salad bar) and a dessert that sent me over the edge.

This morning, it will be continental breakfast and lunch also.

There are vendors set up - Ewe-nique Yarns, The Fiber Universe and Paula's Longaberger Baskets.  The fair is limited to what they have, but still it is nice that they have some shops to set up.

Last night, there was a workshop on Goodwill Hunting that will be given again today.  It is about recycling sweaters for other purposes.  There will some other workshops today, but honestly, I am having a good time just knitting and meeting people and looking at what they are wearing.

As so aptly put, knitting functions are the one place where you can stare at what someone is wearing or run your hand down their arm and they don't go nuts on you.

 Knitters are that kind of people, yea they are.

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