Sunday, November 10, 2013

Goodbye 55!

Today is the first day of my 56th year.  And I have a whole lot I want to accomplish in my 56th year!

First of all, I want to lose weight.  Well, heck that is not unusual, but by the Spring I really want to be at  my normal weight.  It doesn't hurt that today, the first day of my 56th year starts on a Sunday, my start over day of the week.  I found this neat little chart a while back of healthy snacks, something I really need.

 And I need to start eating lunch not just a piece of cheese.  So after walking for the first 1/2 hour of my lunch, I am going to start planning  my lunches too, so I have something to eat, but get to spend the last 1/2 hour of it knitting with my lunch buddies.

My second thing I want to do in my 56th year is work on the legs and stomach.  I know at 56 it can be difficult almost impossible to complete erase the effects of time, but I am going to do a bit for decreasing it.  It starts tomorrow, with getting up early (which means going to be earlier) and getting on the treadmill and starting the Couch to 5K program again, if the internal organs will let me. I may have to just walk, but at least I will give it the college try.

I found yet another cool little thing on the web for the legs, and I may give this a try in the evening before going to bed, maybe not all of the reps but a few to start.

And of course, there are those WIPs and many projects on the needles.  I am going to try to get them down in numbers, but hey, baby steps even at 56.

Happy Birthday to Me!

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