Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year For Real

Ahhh, it is almost the end of the first day of the year, which brings me to this question, why do we start goals and resolutions on the first of January?  Sure, it is the first day of the year, but alot of times, there are New Years Day parties and get togethers happening on  the 1st which already makes the whole resolution thingy fail.  At least for me.

So, I've decided to wait until tomorrow the 2nd of January, to really embrace the whole thing.  I am sending the leftover candy to work with the Tall Guy tomorrow.  That is the last of the Christmas goodies that are left in the house which is a very good thing.

Tomorrow is a me day.  I'm going to hop on the treadmill and start my quest for logging at least 8000 steps a day on my fit bit.  I'm starting the 21 day challenge on the 2nd, since I knew I would fail because of the Knit Wits getting together for New Years Day.  With the candy gone, at least I have a fighting chance!  And since I went almost all gluten free over a year ago, it is pretty much a given that I won't be eating white bread for 21 days.

I'm going to use my time wisely tomorrow (it is the only day in almost two weeks that I will be completely alone in the house for a whole freakin day), getting up as if it is a real work day and by compiling a grocery list/recipe list of things that I can buy/make to help me on my quest for shedding these pounds I have put on since Thanksgiving and get me to moving towards my goal weight.  I think I have pretty much decided to use My Fitness Pal (a free app) in my quest.  I've been a long supporter of Weight Watchers, but I'm getting cheap and could totally use the money that I used to shell out to them for yarn and books!

And for knitting - I have many many goals on that front, I'll blog about them tomorrow when the new year really begins for me!

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