Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Book Review of Sorts

When I saw over on Susan B. Anderson's blog that she had a book on Kid's Knitting, I had to put it in my cart on Amazon.  The method to my madness is that I am hoping someday, Mona Lisa will want her Grandma to teach her out to knit, even though her mother already knows how to knit.

 And of course when the Tall Guy saw me open it today, he thought it was a book on kids knits and I, of course, had to point it out to him that it was about teaching kids to knit.  Which just so happens to be almost the first thing Susan talks about in her book.

Kid's Knitting Workshop includes items that teens could knit and wear, some cute little toys that younger people would enjoy and Susan encompasses a lot of quick projects that don't require yards of knitting on before you come out on the other side with a finished project.

One of them just so happens to be these bracelets.  Now, I am not young at all, but I think I might just knit me some of these over the break.

The book is divided into skill levels and has projects in each of the sections to teach the skills that she tells the reader what they are going to learn.  I, totally, appreciate and commend whomever it was, either Susan or the publisher, that they spiral bound the book so it can sit flat or easily stay open for reading.

The final section addresses fixing mistakes and the book ends with caring for your knitting, a decent glossary and yarns used in the projects. The book does a good job of illustrating all of the things a new knitter needs to know and even some adults may find it useful.  I can see using this book as a resource in the new year when a couple of co-workers have requested I sit with them at lunch and teach them how to knit.

 I like this book and I hope to use it a lot with some new knitters.  For me at a cost of  $17.95, I give this one two needles up.

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