Sunday, February 07, 2016

What's On, What's Off

So, no, we really are not football fans here in our house.  I'll probably turn it on, mute it and watch something on my laptop while knitting.  When the commercials come on or the half time show, I'll un-mute and watch them, but other than that, it is just another Sunday at our house.

Off the Needles this week, is my Drachenfels.  It is not blocked yet, but I'll get to that this week sometime.

There was a whole lot of garter stitch on this baby, it is all I knit on last weekend at the January Thaw and still did not get to bind off until yesterday.  I loved the iCord bind off on this one!  It makes a super nice edge and it is so stretchy, no popping stitches on this one!

Most of all, I like the very end pattern on this shawl.  I can see this at the bottom of a shawl or two.  I'm keeping that one in the back of mu brain to use on something that needs a bit of something at the end or start depending on where it actually starts.

On the needles this week is a shawl for Hospice, Open Sky.  I am hoping it will be done before Thursday, because I have nothing to show after having two months of not being at Hospice.  One should never take a break from something so important.

Back to the forefront of knitting projects is my Vacillate.  I picked this one out of the many WIPS by putting all the WIPS on pieces of paper and then reaching in and choosing one out of a baggie.  It was bashert that it was Vacillate, because it was the one I wanted to be knitting on right now.

No, really, that is what actually happened, no cheating was involved.  Happy Sunday Everyone!

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