Wednesday, September 21, 2016

So We've Got To Say Goodbye To The Summer

It is hard to believe that Fall/Autumn starts tomorrow.  Especially when today it was almost 90.  But, I know that before we barely turn around, we will be complaining about how cold it is!  With the change of the season, at least on the calendar, I am thinking back over the Summer and the Summer of Shawls, along with where I wanted to be weight wise, and I am a bit disappointed as I did not realize all  any of my goals.

Let me say emphatically, I am not getting down on myself because of not achieving them, just more determined that for the next season, I do a little bit better.  Just a little bit.  I believe that one does not have to make major changes, just small changes, and then a few more and then, hey, then big changes all of a sudden have happened and you wonder where the time went.

Kind of like this cutey!  In just a few weeks, he will be one.  Really, how did that happen?

And in Grandma fashion, I've decided that he may need a vest for his birthday.  I'm playing with some color ways this week to see what I like and then I'll see about some cute chinos and button down to go under it.  This is going to be some fun.

Other things on the horizon for my Fall knitting are some sweaters for me to wear now, not in 20lbs less. And there are a boatload of shawls for Fall for Shawls that I want to knit and finish.  There is some cool stuff happening with Hospice Prayer Shawl knitting and designing, Socktober is coming up along with multiple KALs that I seem to be involved in, some super cool stuff coming via the mailman soon that I cannot wait to share with you and before you know it, we will be talking Christmas knitting.

Stay tuned, because we are going to have a heck of a Fall knitting.  For now, say good-bye to Summer and welcome to one of my most favorite seasons!

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