Friday, June 01, 2018

Kickoff! My Sweater Project

I want to knit some sweaters.  How about you?

I want to wear my knitting.  How about you?

And I want it to be sweaters!

Don't get me wrong, I love my shawls.  I love knitting shawls.  But, there are so many sweaters I want to knit.  And I want to build a new wardrobe of sweaters.

Many years ago, Cheryl Oberle, published a book Knitted Jackets.  I fell into this book deep.  I knit almost everyone of the jackets in the book.  Most of the sweaters have now been passed on to worthy people who don't knit, but love the sweaters I can no longer wear.  Which sorely left a hole in my sweater wardrobe.  I have knit a few sweaters since then, but I find myself wanting something more.

I want sweaters that say to people, I am a Knitter!  Call it a sort of re-branding of me.  I have a vision of the sweaters that I want to be a part of my wardrobe.  I want them to be stylish and I want them to be fun.  I want some of them to be simple and I want some of them to look like they just came off of the knitting runway.

I want them for Summer and I want them before Winter sets in so I'll be a step ahead of the weather.
I want to have them to wear to retreats and parties and kicking around on the weekend.  I want them to scream Knitter!

And along the way, I want to learn new things and venture into new techniques and types of sweater knitting.  I want to explore sleeve techniques, perfect my seaming, steek really well, hone my color work skills, go out on a limb with my knitting and not always take the quick and easy route, but most of all I want them to be me.

I am so excited to start My Sweater Project, knit with me, won't you?

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