Sunday, October 07, 2018

When A Sweater Goes Wrong

What to do, what to do?  This is what started it all!  A definite shift in color in a yarn that does not have dye lots, but still recommends alternating skeins.  Which I did not.  I tried to ignore it.

Then I kind of sort of tried it on.  What?!  Not long enough in the front.

Even when I put my arm down.

And really need to be at least 4 or 5 inches longer from the back view.

 No matter how you take the pic.

Or pull it, it just was not the fit I wanted.

And then I measured it for gauge.  What seemed to be on gauge, really was a tad off and totally off on the row gauge.  After knitting this the first time, blocking and then seeing how it should be put together, I, even though, am a experienced knitter learned some things.  And so, there was nothing more to do, but to re-cast on, which I did.

The first one was knitted in about four weeks, this one I will not knit that quickly as I really have to be knitting on a couple of Christmas stockings and a baby blanket with deadlines of Thanksgiving.

And in the meantime, I'm gonna Knit on with confidence and hope!

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