Sunday, February 17, 2019

Sunday Funday

I like that thought of having a fun day right before going back to work on Monday! And if I start thinking too much about W-O-R-K, I just think about this little cutie.

 And, although, my Sunday, comes with a bit of work, a couple of loads of laundry, a bit of cleaning and organizing, it is time to sit down with a cuppa or two, do a bit of planning of my knitting life in my journals, work some more on my Ground Pepper and catch up on some knitting podcasts.

I was finally able to try it on this morning.  I finished one sleeve late last week and tried it on and thought that it was a bit short, but was reserving judgement until I was able to get the second sleeve going and really try it on.  As  suspected, it needs 2 1/2" more to hit where I want to.

I have done some mods on the sleeves as I do most times to accommodate my pelican arms, and I'll blog and podcast about them once the sweater is finished, which I am hoping is in the next couple of days.  At least that is my plan, I am so ready to move onto my next sweater.  And I've got a baby blanket to get knitting on as well that needs to be done by mid march!

We got more snow last night/early this morning, but thank goodness not much so I'm not complaining on that front.  Just give me more time to wear my knits.

Have a great week, and I'll catch you on the purl side!

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