Monday, November 30, 2020

Hey Hey Goodbye

Yes, it is the end of November?!!  And in true November fashion, it is gloomy, windy, cold and if you look really close out my front window, there are little snowflakes every once in a while.  We have had some great weather this November, so I am not complaining.


And tomorrow, brings the start of a couple of Advent Calendars, I am dying to open and get started.

The first is mini skeins from Sun Valley Fiber and is going to be a Ambah O'Brien wrap, I believe.  I will know when I open the first one tomorrow.

The second is a 24 stripe sock yarn from The Cozy Knitter.  I will be knitting a stripe a day on two socks and hopefully, on December 25th, I will have a new pair of socks to wear for Christmas.

I am super stoked about both of these Advents, stay tuned in the next few weeks to see the progress!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

ThanksKnitting Weekend


This ThanksKnitting weekend, I am putting a pause on my regularly scheduled knitting, and knitting on a Hospice Shawl for our local Hospice Home in Peoria.  It is just my way of being mindful, with everything that is going on in the world, the Hospice Home patients are still in need of love and comfort.

Monday, November 23, 2020

A Week of ThanksKnitting!

 This Thanksgiving  is going to be so different, but then you already knew that.  This was supposed to be the first year that we could go wherever we wanted for Thanksgiving, go when we wanted to and come home when we wanted to.  No worries about work.  Ah well.  I am not complaining by any means, because thankfully, we are both doing great and I have my knitting, so much knitting.

I decided to celebrate by putting together a blog every day this week, with my Thanksgiving decor and my knitting.  I also decided that I needed to be working an hour a day on my color work hat. I promised myself after our virtual Knitting Camp in July that I wanted to work a bit more on  my color work technique, for some Show and Tell next July.  In order to do that, I decided an hour a day til this hat is done would help toward my next two color work projects for a later date.

In the picture above, I have my water in my Snoopy Tervis cup which just comes out at Thanksgiving, my Joji suede bag, which I thought was very appropriate to house my little hat (and it goes well with the season's decor). 

 My hat is a design from Meg Swansen and Amy Detjen's book,  Knitting with Two Colors.  With all the books I have in my Knitting Library, I thought it would be fun to start using them as resources as opposed to just sitting there on the bookshelf.

I have not made it very far through it, as evident of my hat/swatch cap above,  but with an hour a day one never knows, can a sweater be far behind?

Happy Monday of ThanksKnitting week!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Half Way to 100

 Episode 50 is up on You Tube on the pjknits channel and can be found here

These are some of the things I podcast about, including a KAL for 2021!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday Finds

 Picked this book up yesterday from my local yarn shop, The Fiber Universe.

Then spent the evening, with a cuppa and reading and looking and dreaming.  So many things I want to knit from this in the new year!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Gotta Clear The Sock Needles

 In order to start my advent socks from The Cozy Knitter Advent Calendar, I've gotta get some socks off of my favorite sock needle. And I am one closer than I was.

Since I finished the grandkids Christmas scarves last weekend, socks are my new fave to knit during Zooms, at least once I get them started on.

Count down to Advent cast ons - 12 days, are you ready?

Friday, November 13, 2020

A Version of Friday Finds

 Or a couple of things that I wanted to share with you.

Here is today's Puttin on the Knits.  I pulled out my Ranunculus to wear today while zooming.  I am totally wearing my knits around the house now.  Because I can and well, why not!  Just because the numbers are climbing, does not mean that I have to sit around in my jammies all day (even though I would love to!). 

The sun is shining, albeit only 41 degrees this afternoon, at this writing, and although, we have not fully kicked up the heat to Winter conditions, its a tad chilly in the house, and if you have a sweater collection, one might as well be warm and cozy.

My Ranunculus has a bit of a history and a problem, but folded up as it is here, you would never know that there is a definite demarkation about 9 inches from the bottom, do to a issue with the dye lots and my lack of wanting or even thinking about alternating skeins when I knit this way last year.

The intention this Summer was to throw it in a dye pot outside and see if I could darken it up a bit and eliminate the change.  But, I didn't get to it, and for now, I am just going to wear it that way.  It serves my purpose for now.

Funny, how there is a theme of color going in this pic too, now isn't there?!  My new tennies sole and shoe laces fit right in with the theme of today.  And this bag!!  My Roomie and guest on podcasts, Debbie made this bag for me for my birthday least week.  Isn't it the coolest?  And if you could see the yarn inside, you see the whole theme.  But, I am going to keep it a secret until next week, when hopefully, I will have a podcast to share with you.

Finally, for this Friday the 13th, is a new book we had Amazon send us.  We have quite a few birds that feed at our feeder in the back yard and after trying to figure out what types they were, apart from the Cardinals, I decided to get us a bird book, so we can stop the guess work.  

We are becoming true retired folks here, but hey, I am okay with that.

Have a great weekend and be safe out there!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Comforting Crafts KAL Report

 Just had to pop in here and show you a few dishcloths for the Comforting Crafts KAL that is going on through the end of the year.

And then there is my monthly contribution.  LOL.

Hope you are having a great week, I am!

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Anybody Doing An Advent?

If you remember last year for Advent, I knitted a square in my mitered blanket each day!  It really helped get some squares done. 

 Since July, I have been trying to knit a square every Sunday and so far I have been keeping up. It is big enough to keep my lap warm when I am knitting on it.  I hope to keep up with it going forward after the end of the year.

This year I bought two Advent type calendars, one a sock one that has shipped I just don't have it yet.  The other from Sun Valley Fibers which arrived this week.

Friends know I don't wait well for anything, but after, I popped it open to look inside, I promptly closed it back up and stored it in my closet to wait to open packages starting December 1st.

A couple of  cool things about this Advent is there were several selections of inspiration photos to choose from and I went with one out of the norm for me and we also received a code to use on any pattern from the designer, Ambah O'Brien that we wanted to.  

I'm off to figure out which one to use, so many choices.  Catch you on the purl side.

Monday, November 02, 2020