Monday, November 23, 2020

A Week of ThanksKnitting!

 This Thanksgiving  is going to be so different, but then you already knew that.  This was supposed to be the first year that we could go wherever we wanted for Thanksgiving, go when we wanted to and come home when we wanted to.  No worries about work.  Ah well.  I am not complaining by any means, because thankfully, we are both doing great and I have my knitting, so much knitting.

I decided to celebrate by putting together a blog every day this week, with my Thanksgiving decor and my knitting.  I also decided that I needed to be working an hour a day on my color work hat. I promised myself after our virtual Knitting Camp in July that I wanted to work a bit more on  my color work technique, for some Show and Tell next July.  In order to do that, I decided an hour a day til this hat is done would help toward my next two color work projects for a later date.

In the picture above, I have my water in my Snoopy Tervis cup which just comes out at Thanksgiving, my Joji suede bag, which I thought was very appropriate to house my little hat (and it goes well with the season's decor). 

 My hat is a design from Meg Swansen and Amy Detjen's book,  Knitting with Two Colors.  With all the books I have in my Knitting Library, I thought it would be fun to start using them as resources as opposed to just sitting there on the bookshelf.

I have not made it very far through it, as evident of my hat/swatch cap above,  but with an hour a day one never knows, can a sweater be far behind?

Happy Monday of ThanksKnitting week!

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