Monday, June 07, 2021

Just Some Weekend Knitting

Sundays here at Chez PJKnits have me knitting on a couple of scrappy things.
I promised myself at the start of the year, that I would, at the very least knit one mitered square on my blanket on Sunday.  So far, I have kept up on my promise.

I had been keeping track of my progress each month with a progress keeper, but got some monthly ones in the mail last week, and now I am switching them out and putting a monthly marker at the end of each month so I can keep tabs.

This week, I added a stripe to my Habitation Throw. Not because of anything in particular, I just wanted a bit of something different mixed in with my regular knitting.

This week is Hospice week, so I thought I would spend a bit of time on a blanket that I am knitting too while watching some baseball.

As you can tell, my Sunday was a bit all over the place with my knitting.  I am having a bit of a problem focusing on one particular thing to knit.  No particular reason, just feeling like I want to knit/cast on all the things.

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