Friday, November 03, 2023

Somedays You Need to Take Care of Business

Yesterday was one of those days.  You know the days/weeks/months where you need to do something, but you just don't have it in you or when other, in my case, knits tear you away from the little details?!

 Now, my normal routine for mornings is to watch some podcasts and knit for as long as I want.  But, after finally making the call to have the furnaces checked out (several weeks of telling myself to make the call), I decided that I needed to do some finishing up of projects that have been sitting there mocking me for sometime, and to not just appear to the young man who came to do the service that all I do is sit and watch t.v. all day, hence, time to weave in some ends, do some sewing of buttons and pockets down and then blocking.

I'll post all about these next Friday, after I have a chance to podcast next week (that episode will be coming next Wednesday).

First up, the Colorshift. All it needed was blocking.  The ends were already woven in, I am just waiting to clip them after it is dry.  Those are pool noodles in it to keep from getting the creases in the sides.

Then, the Turtle Dove Cardi out of Cascade Cantata.  There were a lot of ends to be taken care of, so that was first on the agenda, and then this went onto the blocking.

Finally, the project that I have been dreading the most.  Not because I don't like it, I think it is just too dang cute, but because of all the ends and the sewing to be done on the pockets and then the buttons to be added, which by the way are just a little too small for the buttonholes, so I will fix that in the buttonhole itself once it is done blocking.  I am refusing to buy bigger buttons and sew them down!!

After all of this was done, it was time to head out for some car maintenance, and knitting on my Musselburgh Hat.  Isn't it great to have knitting at times like those?!

Rounded out the day at dinner with my grandson and his mom and dad!  What a full day!  Now, back to my other knitting!  Happy Friday!

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