Sunday, February 05, 2012

It Is A Matter of Perspective

Did I accomplish all that I wanted this weekend?  Laundry done before noon on Sunday - that is a great accomplishment.  Cleaning - well I did a quite a bit in the yarn room yesterday and picked up a few things in the LR/DR.  Sure, more could have been done on that front, but I'll revisit that cleaning before nail day on Wednesday.

 It was a gorgeous day today, and the temp is conducive to trying some pictures outside of what I did accomplish on the knitting front.  I just did not think about it soon enough.  But, I am pleased with what I did get resolved with the knitting.

 I am concentrating on Bloomsbury Jacket.  I really want to get this second sleeve done tonight during the game.  I am amazed at how long it takes to do this last sleeve.  After the sleeve, I will just need to knit the front bands and the buttons.  When I first started Bloomsbury, I was a little concerned that I wouldn't have enough yarn.  I don't think that is going to be a problem. There will be some Dolce left and that is okay with me.

 One of the ongoing thoughts in my knitting lately as readers can tell is what to knit for the baby due in July.  They are still on the fence at whether they will find out what it is so at the moment, my knitting in either pink or blue, frilly or not is still in limbo.

But, I have had this seafoam and taupe Baby Bunny for a couple of years.  I've noodled on what it should be every change of the season.  It first was slated as a Debbie Bliss sweater for me.  Then last year, it was going to be a different Debbie Bliss sweater. 

I love these two colors together and have seen a baby ensemble with those cute Saartje booties with it.  I think I'll have enough left for a little sweater and booties, but in the mean time, this is Jared's Tweed Baby Blanket.  Very neutral but still some fun for me.

 The sun decided to duck under some clouds before I could get my final picture taken.

I'm involved in a couple of KALS on Ravelry, one being the Fundamentally Faroese Shawl on the Folk Shawls Group.  Last year at Knit Camp, I purchased from Cheryl some of her lovely yarn in Bluet, which with her help, we have ascertained that I will have enough for a shawl.  I love the yarn, but this picture shows way too brighter than it really is.

I still have to decide on the baby christening shawl pattern that I really want to do and this causes me the most distress since I know it is going to take me some knitting time.  I had a little talk with myself and when I decide on what it will be, I need to maybe set aside an hour either in the early morning or evening every day to work on it, which will require turning off the t.v. and everything else that wants to intrude. 

So, yes, I feel pretty good in what I accomplished this weekend.   Just wished I had another day.

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