Thursday, December 22, 2016

I'm Getting Good At Ripping

Last Summer at Knit Camp, I picked up some gradients from Sun Valley Fibers.  I have had it in my head since then to knit Breathing Space with them.  I've been playing around with it intermittently since then.  In the last few weeks, I picked it up again, intending on having it done for January Thaw.  The Tall Guy inquired about it a couple of weeks ago, while I was knitting on it, and wondered what I was knitting.  When I held it up, he mentioned that it looked a little small.  I, of course, went into the thing about  when it is blocked, how it will be larger and poo pooed his remarks.

Now, one of the things as knitters that we constantly hear is if you are not enjoying the knit or you have reservations as to how it is going to look on you, you should probably chuck it and knit on something else.  So I did.  No matter how much more I knit on it, it just isn't not the sweater for this body!

So, I re-wound the yarn and cast on for Laura Aylor's First Point of Libra.  Not to give anything away, but it is done with Gradients and I started with my Gradients from almost the darkest to lightest, leaving out the very darkest one as I thought it would be too close to the main color.

 In the light of day and taking into account one of the really bright colors that was in the set ( the middle one above), I decided it really did not go with the new plan.  It worked in the Breathing Space because the Onyx color way broke it up.

Now, the first three colors are really close, so I decided to try a trick that I have heard about before.

 I used the black and white setting on my phone and took a pic…no surprise, the colors are so darn close just as I figured it would.

But, still I had to try and I cast on…

but, I did NOT rip back my first attempt, you know just in case.

And again in the light of a new day, I like this new color combo and I think it is going to work.

Stay tuned!

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