Saturday, December 01, 2018

And Now It Is December

And there are so many things coming up, that I just know we are going to turn around and Christmas will be here.  It seems like every week, there are a couple of things that need to be done, so I am starting to prep today and see if I can't get a little schedule for myself so as to be ready and to also enjoy the holiday.

Right now, we are waiting for grand baby #3 to be born.  The actual due date for her is Monday, so we shall see.  I am a terrible waiter.  I dislike waiting for anything, but we all know babies will come when they want to and so she will teach me patience.  Her stocking is done all but for the name (as that part is always a surprise from Baby A and his wife).  I provisionally cast on the stocking and worked it down to the toe, so all I would have to do after the birth, is add the name, some corrugate rib perhaps at the top and the I-cord hanger.  Then, I'll steam block it and voila, we will have a stocking!

I've got my Christmas knitting bag packed for the trip over.  It is not all Christmas knits at this point, there is extra yarn for my Pickpocket that I will pick back up after I finish a couple of Christmas socks, but I am packing it just in case, I don't feel the knit on the socks.  

The socks are just barely cast on and are a surprise, aka maybe I won't get them knit in time, but I am going to give it the college try!

Like today, when I just want to take one day and knit something for fun.  I am working on my Nice Capades sweater in hopes that I will have it done for Christmas wearing.  Again, not necessarily a have to knit, just taking a nice break from "real" Christmas knitting.

And for your Central Illinois weather report - after many days of what seemed like late December/January/February weather, it is now 58 degrees at this typing, which seems like October weather.  Oy, what is up Mother Nature?

Have a great start to December Knitters!

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