Sunday, March 24, 2019

I'm Okay With Rainy Sundays

Sunday has been the day for me, forever, that is a Me day.  I try not to have to go anywhere unless family things call me out.  That may all change when retirement comes, but for now, I like to take Sundays to reflect, plan and get ready for the week that awaits.

I especially like rainy Sundays, because that makes it even easier to kick back and do just what I want to.

But, doing what I want to do has been a little harder of late.  I have some sort of elbow pain that is flaring up.  I have had it for several years, but it seems like it has been a little more annoying lately.  I am doing a couple of things to try and make it not hurt so bad.  Some of the tips, I am getting out of a book that I bought two years ago at Stitches Midwest.

I am trying to not knit so much at my comfy chair, but sitting in the middle of the couch where I am not so dependent on the arms while I knit.  I, also, had the arms removed from my chair at work, so I am not resting on them, while computing all day long.  I'm hoping by babying it a bit will ease up the pain.

I also finished a couple of knits that I'll share later this week on Finally Finished Friday.  I have been doing a lot of intense knitting lately so that may have been part of the flare up.

For this week, I think I will keep it to some easy knitting -

And maybe I'll even pull out a book to read!  Catch you on the purl side!

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