Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Knitting On!

Last Thursday was Hospice Prayer Shawl Group.  Our numbers are not what they used to be, but still a core group of fantastic ladies show up twice a month, with their fantastic work.  I need to get moving on my blanket and shawl.

Life is such at Chez PJKnits this Fall, that there are a lot of medical appointments going on and one needs to be prepared to have a bit of a tote bag with all of the essentials as to keep the mind from wondering. Always in my tote, is this scarf to match a hat that I knit a couple of years ago.  Thought it may be time to get it done before Winter.

Yesterday, at one of our appointments, the first thing I spied when we came in was this row of knitted hats for patients, that was my guess.  Isn't that the first thing every knitter would see?! The cute end to this is that an older lady and her husband came in and she too spied them!  She was not a knitter, but she needed one to keep her head warm, even though she was not the patient.  I just loved it!

 So dear knitter, yes Knit On!

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