Monday, July 29, 2024

We Had So Much Fun That


We Are Doing It Again Next Year!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

On A Road Trip

 Heading out for the Makers' Meetup in Hoffman Estates,  Kendra and I are so excited at the turnout numbers that we have heard from that are coming.  If you are in the Hilton Garden Inn area, please stop by.

I'll give you the recap next week!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Orange You Glad You Knit?!

 This week's episode has some orange in it, lol.  Yes, a departure from my normal turquoise. You can find it by clicking here

Friday, July 19, 2024

Finally Finished Friday

 And yes, this finished object earned it's Finally Finished Name!  The striped yarn was a gift from Anita almost a year ago at the Mini Meetup.  She had finished her socks while we were there and gave me her leftovers.

Just enough left for some shorties, these are Summer Lee's free shorty sock patterns, and now almost a year later, done.

For my continuing sock journey, I am trying to decide if I like size 1 or size 2 needles, and have been playing with magic loop on 40" needles.  

Along with instead of my casting on of 64 stitches, I am testing out a sock on 60 stitches.  I've knit a lot of socks in the past for me and for Norma.  Norma's were a good fit, but mine I basically used for around the house and in boots.  Now, that I am retired, I am wearing them more in the Winter, and need a better fit.

Stay tuned for the journey!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Yes, Christmas in July

 here has been some Christmas knitting going on here in July.  Not gift knitting but just some Christmas fun knitting with no particular plan in mind.  

I've got a box with all my Christmasy colors yarn in.

To look at and get some inspiration.

And then just for fun, I knit a little sweater ornament  last weekend, from  part of a mini out of the box.

And cast on a sock or a pair...I'm still trying to decide if I like the feel of a size one or size two needle (all of mine in the past were size two), while watching the Holiday ( a fave Christmas movie of mine)

And I'm wondering if double points are causing my thumb arthritis to act up and if I should be knitting on circulars using magic loop, OR is it just that I have been knitting so much on size 1 and 2 needles. 

To be continued!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Look At My Holes!

I saw this sweater a year ago in it's finished versions on the ladies from 3 Ply Podcast.  They styled each of theirs so cutely, that I decided to knit it for myself this year.  It took me a bit to decide what to knit it out when I found in PYS, some Sunseeker yarn from many years back.  It is a pima cotton like yarn with some gold stellina through out,  As luck would have it, I had more than enough to knit one for myself.

I added length to both the body and the sleeves.

Instead of the rib at the neck, I did just a single crochet around the neck.

Then paired it with a hot pink Susan Graver dress, et voila.

I love it!  And I will talk all about it next week on the podcast.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

It's Podcast Day

Episode 120 is up on You Tube, you can watch it by clicking here

 It may be hot and sticky outside and it is July in Illinois, but we gotta get ready for the Holidays and this episode tells you what my plans are, starting this month!

Sunday, July 07, 2024

And To Round The Birthday Weekend Out

 This boy turned three!

He's inquisitive

Loves to explore new things slowly

And calls me MawMaw Penny

He's sunshine all the way around

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Celebrating Birthdays

This weekend celebrates my oldest and my youngest grandchildren's birthdays!

Today's post is all about the oldest.  We celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago, the big 12, next year 13, really?!

I remember when she was born.  I was working and it was just a week before I was set to go to Knitting Camp.  I was sweating it that year, hoping she would make her debut before knitting camp and she did.  

She is growing up too too fast, but I love the young lady she is becoming!

Happy Birthday M.  Grandma loves you!

Friday, July 05, 2024

Finally Finished Friday

 Viimein out of the 52 Weeks of Easy Knits from Laine Publishing

This sweater was so much fun to knit

Used a DK from PYS purchased during Covid for another sweater

And used all brights from mini skeins and leftovers for the marling

A fun one to knit and wear!

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Mail Call

 If you know me, you know I love sock yarn.  You also know that I've been knitting a lot of sweaters and not many socks.  I used to knit at least two a year for my friend Norma for Hanukkah and for her birthday.

But, I do love these self striping yarns from Turtle Purl Yarns.  Last year I knit some mitts out of the Trenchcoat color way.  They came in quite handy last February when driving to Florida to keep the hands warm.

So when these two came up on Instagram, I had to order.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll get them knit and ready to wear for Halloween and Christmas, maybe.

Monday, July 01, 2024

Episode 119

 Episode 119 is up on You Tube and you can watch it by clicking here

It's all about yarn purchases and final Summer Sweater knitting!