Friday, July 19, 2024

Finally Finished Friday

 And yes, this finished object earned it's Finally Finished Name!  The striped yarn was a gift from Anita almost a year ago at the Mini Meetup.  She had finished her socks while we were there and gave me her leftovers.

Just enough left for some shorties, these are Summer Lee's free shorty sock patterns, and now almost a year later, done.

For my continuing sock journey, I am trying to decide if I like size 1 or size 2 needles, and have been playing with magic loop on 40" needles.  

Along with instead of my casting on of 64 stitches, I am testing out a sock on 60 stitches.  I've knit a lot of socks in the past for me and for Norma.  Norma's were a good fit, but mine I basically used for around the house and in boots.  Now, that I am retired, I am wearing them more in the Winter, and need a better fit.

Stay tuned for the journey!

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