Thursday, June 08, 2023

Weekend Plans

 Well, another weekend is upon us and it is a filled one for me.  I'm watching both my youngest grandson and grand dog the next couple of days.  

Then, a quick trip to see my other grandkids and watch a dancing recital.  As someone who never did dance, I am looking forward to watching not only my oldest granddaughter, but also, all of the others.

I've spent sometime out on the front porch knitting these past few days, as finally we have some decent weather, but no rain.  A couple of the mornings, I had to put on my Garter Marler Cardigan, because the early morning temp was a bit chilly.

I do enjoy those early mornings, just me and my knitting, and a bit of journalling, along with a reading from a book, a friend gave me back in the days of stuff.  My mug is from my friend Norma, who passed away some years ago, so it brings back some wonderful memories.

I am finally over the hump of the body of my Salty Air Tee, and onto the sleeves, (sleeve island as the pin in the picture signifies) which shouldn't take too terribly long, but given my schedule the next couple of days, it may be next week before I totally finish it and see if the body is long enough after blocking.

Luckily, I have plenty of yarn should I need to add some length to it.  But, that would happen only after a glass of wine to go with my stitch marker.

Have a good weekend, and I'll blog at you next week!

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