Thursday, February 22, 2024

Pool, Beach and Knitting

 This little guy was content to throw things in the pool and wait for Daddy to scoop them up, rather than actually get into the heated pool.

Then, despite wanting to go to the beach, he was not a happy camper when we got there, didn't want to get his feet in the sand, but after a walk down the beach with Mommy and Daddy, he warmed up to it a bit.

Unfortunately, the clouds kept covering up the sun, the wind was fierce and the waves were mighty today.  Along with the color of the Gulf definitely the shades of Emerald Green, rather than the teals we have been seeing.  

Not much knitting at the beach with a 2 year old, but I did get my obligatory knitting picture while they were on their walk to see if there were helicopters in the sky.

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