Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Lets Do A Little Catchup

 You would think being several years retired, I would have lots of time to at least keep the blog up, wouldn't you?!  But, it seems I've been doing a lot of hanging out and knitting too, so lets catch you up to what has been happening at Chez PJKnits.

The weather has been semi decent, and I have spent a lot of time enjoying the view.

And knitting

And on Saturday of the long weekend (but for us retired people, every day is the weekend), it seems like I was on the porch a lot, having all the beverages
and knitting

On Sunday, it rained most of the day before turning into a really nice night, so I waited for the Indy 500 to finally be able to race, but still got some knitting in and even a gluten free beer

Monday was another beautiful day, that started out chilly, so a sweater was needed to start the day's knitting and cuppas off

And there we have it, we are all caught up!  Tomorrow is podcast day and I've got a sweater all done to show.  Catch you on the purl side!

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