Friday, May 17, 2024

Summer Is Starting Up

 I got to go out to the porch early yesterday morning, to just enjoy everything about early mornings.  The sun, the birds, the semi quiet.

I took out what I am calling this Spring's knitting season on the porch project to sit and knit with in the early mornings, no thought required, well, almost none.  

I am hoping to have at least half of it done fairly soon, as it has been languishing a bit, but no worries.

It wasn't long after I headed in, that the clouds came through and brought rain for most of the day, so it was an indoor knitting day for the most part.  Until today, when the sun came out and stayed out and it appears that here in Central Illinois, we are going to have a bit of a warm up for a couple of days. Thats your weather report.

With that happening, I've just got one sleeve left to do on my Daily Pullover, then some blocking, which I am hoping to have that done tomorrow.

Because this dress is calling a sweater to be worn with it, when Summer decides to hit us full force.

Hope you are having a great weekend and the weather is perfect for you as well!!

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