Saturday, May 04, 2024

The Porch Is Open

 For Knitting, and for other things.

Finally, the weather has been nice to do a little porch knitting, although, the long term forecast is bringing some rain next week and then some cooler temps, but I'm taking advantage of every opportunity to get ut there and do some knitting.

I am working on my Hansel Hap center square right now on the porch and hoping to have at least that much done before the Hap-A-Long Zoom on Monday.  

What has been keeping me from getting more of it done, you ask?

Wave, from last Summer's Laine magazine cover!  But, only this much for now, as I have a couple of things in the queue ahead of it, but I just had to see what the knitting on this would be like.  

This is the start of the back and is on holders for now, while the fronts are to start next.  This is an interesting construction, for sure.

For now, it is back to my Hap and the front porch, have a great weekend.

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