Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Seems Like

 I've said this before, but I am still here.  I have been knitting a lot.  I've been thinking a lot about my knitting.  And it's been hot here at Chez PJKnits, so there hasn't been a lot of time on the porch lately.  A couple of wonderful thunderstorms rolled through last night, bringing some much needed rain.  And as of this post, we are just one month away from the Maker's Meetup 2024 in Hoffman Estates!  Kendra and I are super excited about it, and the numbers are growing.  

And thats the life update.  Now, for some knitting.  Last week a friend texted me about a tip that I had given another one of our friends, which sent me on a hunt in the blog to see if I had shared it.  I had, which had me thinking how complacent I have been with the blog, since Instagram has taken over my life.  Something I am going to rectify going forward.  After all, one cannot continue to call herself a blogger and not have decent content.

I don't have much to share today, as I am getting my ideas down and researching a whole lot of plans for my knitting that I can't wait to share with you.  It used to be when I was working that Sundays were my day for plotting and planning my knitting directions, but today is just a rainy overcast day, when I don't "have" to do anything, and it just seems like a good day to plan...knitting that is, so stay tuned in the days to come.

Tomorrow, Debbie and I are off on  a very quick day trip to Elgin to drop a couple of boxes of cross stitch stuff off to a friend, (I've come to the realization that my second foray into cross stitch is not going to happen to the extent of the collection of supplies I have, so why not share it with someone who is loving it and has lots of years to do it) take a look at the renovations at the hotel, and hopefully we will still have time to stop in at Elgin Knitworks and Wool and Co.

And then, the horizon looks like some easy going days heading into the new month, getting things ready for a podcast (Christmas in July ala PJKnits), planning Fall knitting, starting a pile of things for the Meetup, if you are going, we've got some surprises planned!!

Until next time, stay tuned!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Finally Finished Friday

The Tolsta Tee by Creabea out of deep PYS and just by chance the variegate was just what I was looking for, a fun little stripe.

A super fast knit, for sure.  Paired it with a Susan Graver dress and voila a nice little ensemble for this hot weather! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A New Episode - More Sweaters

 There is a new episode up of PJKnits up on You Tube and apparently, it is still sweater knitting this time around again.  You can watch it by clicking here

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Just A Little Knitting On The Porch

It is hot!  And it looks like for more than the next week is going to stay that way, so not much knitting on the porch for long periods of time for a bit.  But, definitely hot coffee, thats just what I like.

And easy knitting that doesn't make me hot while I am out there in the early mornings!

I had to sit my colorful sweater aside for a bit, but cannot wait to get back to it soon.

And only inside in the AC.  Stay cool this week if it is Summer in your neck of the woods!


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Can't Stop Knitting On This

 Have you ever had a project that you are having so much fun with, that you just can't stop knitting on it?

Or a knitting book that is full of knits that you can't wait to finish one to start on another?

It has been awhile since I have had both, but for about a year now, I've been excited about several knits from this book. 

So when I finished putting another sweater into the blocking bath, I wanted another knit that was a no brainer, just lots of knitting.

And to perhaps use some yarn out of PYS.

And Viimein is fitting the bill. 

I can't wait to see how this progresses and use up some PYS yarn!

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

A Bit of Fun Knitting

 Sometimes a Knitter needs some totally fun knitting, or at least I do.  This Spring/Summer I want to use up as much of the season's yarn from PYS as I can.  So, I pulled out this Bamboo Pop yarn that has been in PYS for about 9-10 years.

I'm knitting the Tolsta Tee, from my library purchases last year.  It is a great project to knit out on the porch and I was planning on knitting on it when we are on the riverfront knitting, since it is not wool.  But, I have been having so much fun just knitting on it, that I doubt it will ever make the riverfront for knitting.

I am knitting 6 rows of the hot pink, and then 2 rows of the variegated as I knit along.  The fun part is that the variegated has pink in it so it looks totally random as to where the stripes are.  

It is a nice change from having to follow charts of late, for sure!  

Monday, June 03, 2024

A Project For Knitting At My LYS

So, I am wondering, do you have multiple projects on the needles and do you work on them in specific places?  For example, today's post is my knit for when we are knitting inside my local yarn shop this Summer when it is raining outside or too hot to sit by the river to knit.

It's a sweater for Fall and into the Winter, and both the yarn and the book from where the pattern came from is my local yarn shop.  The owner of the shop is okay with us knitting on non store yarns, but, I feel like sometimes, I need to be knitting on yarns that I have purchased there.

The yarn is Jody Long, Alba and the pattern is Helmi by Isabell Kraemer from the 52 Weeks of Easy Knits Book by Laine Publishing.  I purchased the body color way last year for a totally different sweater, but just have not been into it for what I originally was going to use it for.

The pattern is super easy, neckdown, with slip stitches for the yoke.  You have to look close for the little green nubbs to show, but after blocking, they will show just a little bit more.

 It didn't take long to get the slip stitch portion done of the yoke, so now, just a lot of knitting, which I am just fine with, as I don't need it til later this year and it serves a knitting purpose.

I am often asked how I finish so many sweaters?  I will let you dear reader in on the secret--
I have multiple sweaters on the needles, and so when they get finished it appears like I am a knitting fiend, but shhh, don't tell anyone.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Just A Little Half Finished Object

 I have to admit, I am having some fun this weekend with my knitting, read that as casting on more sweaters, but, I'll save those for later this week!

For now, I want to share a little half finished object with you with some gift leftovers I received about a year ago at the Meet-up.

Some shorty socks by Summer Lee, a first for me. The yarn is Desert Vista Dyeworks, Ireland Color way. 

And the pot in the background, is my Mother's Day present from my youngest grandson with a little rosebush, that eventually, I will plant, but right now just enjoying it as it is.

Hope your weekend was a sunny one!