Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Seems Like

 I've said this before, but I am still here.  I have been knitting a lot.  I've been thinking a lot about my knitting.  And it's been hot here at Chez PJKnits, so there hasn't been a lot of time on the porch lately.  A couple of wonderful thunderstorms rolled through last night, bringing some much needed rain.  And as of this post, we are just one month away from the Maker's Meetup 2024 in Hoffman Estates!  Kendra and I are super excited about it, and the numbers are growing.  

And thats the life update.  Now, for some knitting.  Last week a friend texted me about a tip that I had given another one of our friends, which sent me on a hunt in the blog to see if I had shared it.  I had, which had me thinking how complacent I have been with the blog, since Instagram has taken over my life.  Something I am going to rectify going forward.  After all, one cannot continue to call herself a blogger and not have decent content.

I don't have much to share today, as I am getting my ideas down and researching a whole lot of plans for my knitting that I can't wait to share with you.  It used to be when I was working that Sundays were my day for plotting and planning my knitting directions, but today is just a rainy overcast day, when I don't "have" to do anything, and it just seems like a good day to plan...knitting that is, so stay tuned in the days to come.

Tomorrow, Debbie and I are off on  a very quick day trip to Elgin to drop a couple of boxes of cross stitch stuff off to a friend, (I've come to the realization that my second foray into cross stitch is not going to happen to the extent of the collection of supplies I have, so why not share it with someone who is loving it and has lots of years to do it) take a look at the renovations at the hotel, and hopefully we will still have time to stop in at Elgin Knitworks and Wool and Co.

And then, the horizon looks like some easy going days heading into the new month, getting things ready for a podcast (Christmas in July ala PJKnits), planning Fall knitting, starting a pile of things for the Meetup, if you are going, we've got some surprises planned!!

Until next time, stay tuned!

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