Monday, August 26, 2024

I Live In Illinois

And with that, you can never be sure what the weather is going to be like from week to week.

One week, we are having gorgeous weather, the windows are open, there is a nice breeze and lots of time sitting on the porch knitting on my third Musselburgh.

And thinking, well, Halloween is just around the corner, and lets cast on some socks for the Fall season.

But, then you realize, that it really still is Summer here, and it is best not to give up totally on Summer.

And then, really, Summer is not giving up.

So, heck, why not work on your Christmas socks too, and try knitting it on the porch with hydration, of course!

But, not for long, and probably not for the next couple of days either...


So, for now, it is just knitting inside.  Hope if you are in the Midwest, you are keeping cool!

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