Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Planning For Some Fall/Winter Knitting

 Finished my last Summer sweater a week or so ago, so it it time to start thinking about Fall and Winter sweater knitting.  Actually, I have a few already on the list and in my journal from the start of the new year, but today, I started pulling some sweater quantities out of PYS that I would like to also knit on for the upcoming looooong season.

One was a cut bait sweater, repurposing the yarn for a cardi out of the Sari Norlund book from earlier this year.  A couple sweater quantities are deep pys, and I am hoping to be able to knit them up for wearing this Winter.  Half the work now, is finding just the perfect pattern for them.

I have had a couple of mornings on the porch last week, working on pig parts.  I really need to get back to this piggy before the middle of September so I can take it to the recepient.  

And when I need a break from a sweater that I am working on, I pull out this Noro poncho, that I totally can see me wearing this Fall, another one of those I had better get back onto!

I hope you have some fun plans for the next season of knitting!  See you soon!

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