Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Gauge Is A Wonderful Thing

This morning, I just happen to be reading the section in the Yarn Harlot's new book about gauge. Isn't it amazing how great minds think alike?!

Yes, I did my swatch in four needle sizes. Each was a little off, but finally I got it. But, I was not happy with how far down I had to go. Because, as you know, the smaller the needle you go down, the more yarn it takes. And if I run out of this yarn, I am SOL. I doubt there will be any to be found.

So, I cast on and did my rib in size 1 needles. Do you know how sharp Size 1 needle points are? For the back, I went up to size 3, as determined by my gauge swatch. I was hoping all along that the gauge would change a bit as I settled into the knitting. And it did. Just enough, to make me think I might need to go up a needle size. Now, I have progressed to size 4 needles (where I really wanted to be all along).

Sometimes, it is necessary to look at the knitting as you knit it and decide if you like the hand of what you are knitting. If not, change it, you can, just be sure to measure often and make sure that the garment is going to fit, if your gauge changes.

Gauge, it is a wonderful thing! Just do it! Even though, you really want to jump right into the knitting of the latest project.

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