Sunday, October 23, 2022

I Proclaim Today

 as Penny Day, or do/eat what you want.  Back when I was working, Sundays were my day.  I may have done some laundry, but for the most part, it was a relaxing day, before going back to work the next day, I would just take the day and plan my week, plan my knitting etc and generally just have a me day.

Even though I am not working any more, I found myself doing the same thing this morning, and felt like today was a good day to have a Me Day. 

Before the sun was even up, I was out on the porch, taking advantage of some nice weather, even though, just a tad chilly and windy,  enjoying my knitting and probably one of the very last days of early morning knitting on the porch.

Because it was Sunday, I treated myself to a coffee from Starbucks, and with it being Sunday morning, I figured they wouldn't be too busy and when I got there, I was pleased that they had it all ready and waiting for me.

Enjoyed my cuppa while doing some planning of the week along with a topic for the podcast later this week having to do with some easy, comfortable sweaters I want to talk about.  Then, knit my square for Scrappy Sunday.

Finished up the day with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, my go to meal when I don't want to cook and some old reruns of Sex and the City.

The End of the Me Day. 

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