Friday, January 19, 2024

Happy Friday

 Another weekend coming, another cold one, another snowy morning, more shoveling/sweeping where applicable.

But, only enough so I can get to my garage and garbage can & the mailman can make it to my door.  Because come Monday, we are getting some decent temperatures along with some rain, but the snow will be gone, hopefully.

I headed out early this morning, donning a nice, warm, fun hat and scarf.  I mean if you are going to be out when it is 7 degrees and the sun barely is showing up in the sky, you might just as well look like you are a fun knitter, am I right?

I first went out with my gloves, but it wasn't too long and I was back in form these super warm mittens that Sandy (RIP) gave me years ago that someone made out of old sweaters.  These were just what I needed to keep the knitting hands warm while I finished up.

And now for the rest of the weekend, I'll just sit back and watch out the window and do some knitting.
How about you?

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