Friday, May 01, 2020

Finally Finished Friday

This past month, I have been into  finishing things.  A couple have been in various states of in progress and one started and restarted.

They have been in sort of time out, because two of them needed to be sewn together, and for me, at least, I have to work up to the whole sewing up thingy.  I really like a good top down or bottom up in the round sweater, with a minimum of sewing up.

But, I figured it was time, and to stop procrastinating with the mattress stitch thing.  Do I love it more now? Nope, but c'est la vie!

Ouzo by Thea Colman - I bought the yarn in 2018 at Stitches Midwest from the Magpie Fibers booth.  I knew from the get go, that I wanted to use the yarn called for in the pattern.  For the most part, I don't really do that, usually subbing the yarn.

For this knit, I chose Solstice DK, in the Bootcut color way.  I thought it would be perfect for blue jeans and it is.

The highlight of this knit is the back with the lace at the top.  It was a pretty simple knit lace pattern, and I quite enjoyed it.

The pockets were intended to be patch pockets, but Susan Rainey knit it and shared her technique for the pockets in both her blog and on Ravelry, and I jumped on her band wagon and did the same for my pockets.

I am love loving wearing this piece right now, even if casual Fridays means jammies. LOL.

Second on the finishing block, was the Claire Poncho.  I bought the yarn, a cotton yarn, Cozette 2, in Naples a couple years back when I was visiting our dear friend.  I planned on wearing it last year over sundresses, but, did not get very far on the needles, so I ripped it back and started again this year so I could use as it points for the ZK KAL we are doing.

Another pattern with lace, but the chart was easy enough to knit on while zooming, as after the beginning and until the end border of lace, it was all stockinette, with a simple lace edge.  I totally enjoyed this knit, and it was another that required a bit of mattress stitch, but I motored through it, and now, it is ready for this Summer and sundresses.

And finally, Dotted Rays by Stephen West

The yarn is La Bien Aimee that I bought for myself directly from the dyer in Paris for my birthday last year.  I love the yellow and the gray mixes and yes, if you look really close, the first color way, Drea, has my signature turquoise in it.

This is a big shawl, but I am going to get a lot of wear out of it and of course, bought a LOGO top to match it!

This is a big shawl, but I am going to get a lot of wear out of it, and of course, I bought a LOGO top to match it.

It feels good to have some finished projects, but now, what's next?  I am itching to keep the finishing going!  Knit On!

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