Saturday, May 30, 2020

Finally Finished

I cannot believe it!  Yesterday, was my last day of work.  After over 26 years of working at the College and 47 years of working total, I am retired!  My office was so empty that there was an echo in it without all my stuff.

With Covid, there were not a whole lot of staff in the building, so it made it easier to leave, but I still got some pretty nice parting gifts from my assistant and co-workers on Thursday, along with ice cream for the last afternoon break.

My son and daughter-in-law, also brought some things over.  Do you sense a theme here?

And when I got home yesterday, my dear Knit Wit Sisters had this beauty waiting for me.

It really has sunk in yet, but I imagine tomorrow night, it will start, when I can say, I don't have to work on Monday, or Tuesday or well, you know ever.

I have a list of things I want to start doing and am looking forward to each and every day.

This is the life, now isn't it!!

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