Friday, May 08, 2020

Friday Finds

A week or so ago, I got some DK yarn from Chelsea Yarns in New Jersey.  I follow her shop on Instagram and before Covid, watched her You Tube podcast.  She and Miriam are a hoot, and I encourage to watch the old ones until they can podcast again.  The You Tube podcast is Chelsea Purls.

Anyway, I have wanted to use her yarn for a bit, and I have had a couple of Spring Sweaters that call for DK.  DK it would seem is a pretty hot weight of a yarn right now, and with the exception of a couple of shawl quantities, I don't have a whole lot of DK in my stash.

Well, maybe I do, but not a lot -- don't judge.

Last Summer on a whim, I purchased the pattern My Boy Lollipop.  It was hot then, but I really didn't have any yarn that I could use for it, so I put it in the folder for this Spring and Summer.  When I saw this color way in Chelsea Luxe, it spoke to me and I ordered it for this sweater.

Interestingly enough, after I got to looking at it, I realized that this is a negative ease sweater and cropped.  Two things this body should never wear again.  Upside, I have this yellow jacket that more times than not, I will wear over it, hence the color way I picked up with subtle yellow blips in it.

So, as a knitter can do, I am making some mods to mine, not negative ease and not cropped.  The neck is an interesting construction and a bit wider than I normally do, so I am hoping I have not made a mistake and should have went with  a smaller neck.

I am enjoying the knitting on this sweater  and it is a mindless knit for conference call meetings and Knitting Zooms.

I am hoping that you all are knitting something totally fun this weekend!

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