Thursday, February 03, 2022

Are You Tired?

Of me telling you how many wonderful knitting friends I have and what wonderful, caring things they have done for me during the past 1/2 of a year?  If so, I'm sorry, but I just have to share the love I have received from my knitting friends, first starting last June with our son and then continuing on with the Tall Guy's illness.

Prayers, calls, offers for all kinds of help, talking me down, Meals, cards and notes, gift cards to keep  me in coffee runs, meals for my freezer when I couldn't even think about cooking or making a peanut butter and mail that just made my day and made me smile, when all I wanted to do is put my sad face on and wallow.

I am truly blessed.

Anyway, the purpose of this post, to share with you more kindness from my knitting friends arrived in the mail this past week.

From Peggy, who I really reconnected with this past Summer through knitting. Peggy and I knew each other at least 39 years ago, when we met through Old English Smocking.  We both popped up in each others lives a few years back at Knitting Pipeline.  But, we truly reconnected last Summer when she was looking for a local knitting group, and saw that I had been posting about knitting on the riverfront.  She reached out and joined us on Tuesdays and well, she just fit right in.

Peggy is also a podcast watcher of mine and others that I watch.  She is a fantastic knitter too and as it happens made these row counter markers which came in the mail last week.  She doesn't sell them, but wanted me to have one and one to give away through the podcast which I will in a podcast down the road. I wonder which one I will keep? 😉

Then at the end of the week, Kendra, one of the original Knit Wits, who checks in on me, makes a mean chicken salad and a tasty soup and always offers help, even though she works full time and already has a bit on her plate, sent these goodies to me, with a note saying, hopefully, I will be wearing them at knitting functions.  

Oh yes, I will, but also, most days during the pandemic and through the last 6 months, I totally do this.

Yes, I'll admit there are days I don't, but I do try.  I hope you all are well.  Love you, dear friends and readers.

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