Saturday, February 12, 2022

Unspun Tips in Action

 Last week's episode of PJKnits, we spent some time talking about Unspun Icelandic and I shared my limited knowledge with viewers.

This yarn is fast becoming something I want to play around with (aka I have a bit of it in my personal yarn shop).  But, seriously, I am seeing some possibilities with it, thanks to Denise of Lost City Knits .  I'll talk about those in the next episode.

For this blog post, I wanted to share a couple of my tips in action.  After last week's podcast,  I used some of the tips, not because I wanted to use them, but because I discovered while knitting the one decrease that I thought I wanted to use, the scribbly one, I decided it really wasn't working for me.  I decided to rip it back, and did it successfully, slowly, without nary a tear in the yarn.

I used my 40" , size 3, Knit Pick needles to pick up the stitches, (those were the ones in my upstairs notions pouch). 

No surprise, I only had two stitches that were trying to escape, and they were easily caught before they slipped away.  Ahhh, the properties of a wooly wool.

I had to rejoin the yarn and just slapped the two ends together, rubbed a bit, and off I went knitting along.

I'm back on track today, and knitting onward towards short rows in the neck, and dreaming of my next knit with this unsung hero of the wooly wools!  

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