Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Camping Days

 If you have never met Meg Swansen, you must!  She is the kindest, smartest knitter alive.  She learned at the knees of her mother Elizabeth Zimmermann, (who I never met in person, but revived my knitting 35  years ago, when I stumbled upon her on PBS, and then realized that there was a knitting camp just 5 short hours away, 10 years later being done by her daughter).

Meg gives the best hugs and does a pretty good job of remembering your name.  You just have to soak up everything that she says and if not, come back 20 times more, just to get it right!!

**I now go to 2.75 where the content is a bit different than the 1 and 2 camps/ combined is.  I believe the first camp, has Meg still teaching all things EZ/Meg including all the stuff a knitter needs to know, but never knew they should.**. I, also, believe the Oft-timers is similar to ours, but with some variations.

Morning camps start (after a hot breakfast) with Meg answering questions from those sent in and questions from the basket during camp.  

There may be some camper mini sessions too, which there were this time from Susan, Janine, Linda, Amy and others.  These are some techniques they have developed to make our knitting life better.

During camp, you can knit on whatever you like, and in 2.75, I like to knit on something mindless, so you can knit, listen and most definitely put down so as not to lose your place.

Tomorrow Show and Tell - prepare pick up your jaw from the floor!

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