Thursday, July 20, 2023

Jaw Dropping Show and Tell

 Show and Tell is held every day and is optional.  This year, we got to choose the day, we wanted ( I chose Friday to get it over with early).  Amy for the first day, read from and showed on screens, our sheet telling a bit about our Show and Tell, while we walked around the room showing the campers.

Each day, I made lots of notes, on what I needed to look at a bit more closer.  The ones below are just a smattering of what I could get pictures of.

Rosemary came all the way from London, England and was such a delight to talk to.  Her knitting was amazing!

Bridget has been doing mitered blankets for her grandkids with their favorite colors.

An amazing sweater and a wedding shawl.

Fair Isle Mitts

The cutest hat for kids and for chemo patients.

And well, the hit of camp, Jane's Shadow Knitting.

There was so much more, but the pics just were not worthy of the greatness of the knit, and Janine Bajus aka the Feral Knitter, showed a couple of new designs, but I'm not sharing at this time, until they are published (stay tuned though, when they are)

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