Monday, May 01, 2023


I have a story to tell.  When I was a teenager, I used to day dream.  In my day dreams, I would imagine where I was going and what I would be wearing.  So many times, I would pick the attire out of the Spiegel catalog, but sometimes my sister-in-law would bring home an outdated Simplicity pattern catalog from the fabric shop where she worked.

I would dream and dream of what my outfits could look like.

Fast forward to about 40 years ago, I worked in an upscale fabric shop to earn fabric money.  The manager was very fashion forward and had the knack for duplicating New York Designer clothing with the sewing machine and end mill runs from some really nice fabrics.

I learned a lot there at my time, and that is where it carried over into my knitting.  For many years now, I have kept a binder of ensembles that I love and would like to incorporate into sweaters even when they may not be necessarily be knitted, but how I could knit a sweater that would give me the esthetic I envisioned.

Instagram has been my inspiration lately, as catalogs don't come as much as they used to.

I stumbled upon this Talbot's item recently.  The inspiration photo is for the colors, which I would like to incorporate into PetiteKnit's Friday Tee.

A sweater that I knit a couple of years ago was Knitsophy's V-Back Tee.  She recently updated the pattern adding lots of new stuff, more sizes, long sleeves, multiple numbers of colors and more.  When updating the pattern, there were some new pictures of the sweater knit recently, and this one particularly caught my eye.

A sweater that has been in my library from Heidi Kirrmaier was recently posted as well on Instagram.  This just caught my eye in it's springy colors and has me thinking...
I'm a fan of Heidi's other patterns and just so happen to have this one in my Library of patterns. Now, it's on my possible list of shopping for Montreal in a couple of weeks.

Where do you get your inspiration for knits?

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