Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Montreal Day 1 and 2

Over the next several days, I am going to post about the trip to Montreal for those who might be interested.

We left around 6:00 a.m on Tuesday. 

 The great thing about driving is that you can take whatever you want, including as many knitting bags as you want.

Our couple of groups from the mini meet up last year and zooms were gifted a generous bag from our friend and fellow knitter Sandy, so of course it had to have a front and center place all weekend, and was coveted by everyone who saw it at Knit City Montreal.

Our route was all mapped out courtesy of AAA, and included the plan to stay around half way in London, Ontario, Canada.

Making our way up to Chicago, a small stint in Indiana and then Michigan.

We made the border crossing at Port Huron.  

It was super smooth as we were the only car in the car lane, so maybe 3 minutes was all it took.

And we were on our way.

We made London before dark.  Took off Wednesday morning, for Toronto.  We were able to spend time at a truly Premium Outlet Mall, a real department store, Hudson Bay along with a huge mall, where my roomie introduced me to the kids meal at Chickfila.  

We went to The Knitting Loft which I had heard a lot about by others.  Lots of potential future purchases!  Downside, their parking lot is the pits.

After being nourished, we set off for Montreal, where we arrived outside our hotel Sheraton and made our way to the scary parking garage, but after some maneuvering, it was old had to my roomie who drove while we were in the city.

Checked into our room, and had a night's rest, watching Queen Charlotte, knitting and making a plan for Day 3.

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