Friday, July 10, 2020

Friday Finds

Technically, these came last Sunday, but -

I do feel bad for the mail carriers that have to deliver on Sunday, but my ZK2020atHome goodie box arrived last Sunday and I have to confess, I was giddy when she delivered it.  I thought it would be at least a couple of days yet to arrive.

Cutely packaged, I opened to all these super cool things! (The sticker peeled off for the back of a note pad I am decorating)

Inside a new mug in purple...I love it and it is a color I don't have yet.  The potter is Deneen Pottery.

A new pin for the collection....

A card that I am going to use on a memory board in my knitting room (when I get the room fixed up the rest of the way and when I make the memory board)

A new waxed canvas bag with special ZKatHome fabric on the inside, made by Amy's Mom of Silver Shed USA fame.  (You know I collect her bags and give them as gifts often, don't you?)

And it has this cool clasp ala MadderRoot bags.

And the yarn.  Now, when the goodie bag was revealed at virtual ZK last week, there was one of three yarns that were possibles.  I have to be honest, it was the consensus of my table mates that we all like the other two better ( and they certainly were more in my palette range), but I have to admit, getting this color way called Rising Phoenix, I am pleasantly surprised how much I like it.

 I am already thinking of possibilities that could go with it and what to do with it, like using it as the color work in a yoke sweater with the base being black? Or an oldie, but goodie shawl from Stephen West called, Daybreak, which I am really leaning towards.

I love mail, don't you?💙

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