Sunday, July 12, 2020

Just Some Sunday Stuff

Need a good laugh today?

We had quite the storm roll through last night, which took out a pole a half a mile away and resulted in the power going down about 9 p.m.  The Tall Guy just went to bed, but I wasn't quite ready, and not to let a little power outage deter me, I hauled out this cool light I bought several years ago after Knitting Camp.  I set it up with my iPad close by, watched a podcast until the battery on the iPad was very low and knitted.

Then went to bed.  The power did not come back on until about 11 hours later this morning, but thankfully, we still had some hot water and the weather on the porch was perfect for knitting.  And because I have a few different projects to choose from, I could choose a non-wool project to knit on the porch today.  It was quite pleasent.

Now, that I am back in the house and the power and air condition is back on, sitting here in a sleeveless dress has me shivering a bit.  So, now I am planning what I could knit out of this yarn to wear inside with it.

I bought the yarn in Florida a few years back specifically because I thought it would go with this dress.  I just have never had the opportunity to wear the dress and now that I can, I have pulled out the yarn to figure out what it wants to be.

Stay tuned!  Have a great Sunday!  Catch you on the purl side!

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