Sunday, December 15, 2024

Day 15 Decisions Are Made

Oh my gosh, 10 days til Christmas!!!  And I am thankful, that I don't really have to do any Christmas knitting!! How about you?  I love Nancy Wheeler's thoughts about no Christmas knitting after November 30th, and I am adding that for next year for Advents as well.  

Don't get me wrong, I love opening the advents, but for me, it has run it course this year, and I just want to knit.  I am going to do a podcast all about it tomorrow, so you can hear all about it, but for the purposes of this blog going forward, I'm only going to post about the advents when I have something "real" to show. 

So, even though, today is the 15th, here is the 14th stripe.  Heel, flap and gussets are next in the solid black, but with my new take it easy, knit only what I want to be knitting on, that may or may not happen right away.  

Once I made that decision on both the Sock Advent and the Gnana's visit (gnome) advent, there was a great sigh of relief here at Chez PJKnits, and I could enjoy today's pot of coffee from the Door County Coffee Advent.

I hope your knitting is bringing you Joy and remember it is always Knitters Choice.

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