Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday Mail Call

Look at all the goodies I got from Stunning String in a kit.

It is the Paris in the Springtime kit!  This kit combines two of my faves Caribe Blue and Paris!

Little known fact, about PJKnits.  I spent 6 weeks when I was in high school as part of a French speaking trip through England, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco (where I met Princess Grace Kelly) and France where we drank wine at an outdoor cafe (and we were under 16).  I was on tract as a college student to become a French high school teacher, but gave college up for love.

I love all things French and want to work towards buffing up my speaking and translating skills again.

The shawl, itself, will wait til Spring for cast on, but when my friend, Anita told me about it, well I just had to have it...

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