Tuesday, October 09, 2018

What's On The Needles This Week

or what is receiving some knitting love.

I could not resist casting on The Rainey Sisters Pickpocket sweater.  I finally decided on and bought Kenzie by Hikoo from The Fiber Universe for it.

And I am loving these colors!  Yes, the green is apple green and very bright, but I am so loving it.  If you remember, initially, I had Brooklyn Tweed Shelter for it, but the Shelter was really slated for The Weekender.  I had such a time trying to decide what the contrast would be for my Shelter and I kept coming back to wanting to still knit The Weekender and use the Shelter. These yarns just kind of jumped out at me last week when I was sitting at The Fiber Universe and I knew I just had to have them for my Pickpocket.

Ravelry says that Kenzie is a worsted weight, but Erin at the Fiber U thought it was more of a dk/light worsted.  Given my issues with Veronika, I did a swatch and blocked it and looked at it very honestly.  Let me just insert here, I almost always swatch and usually block said swatch.   I used both a size 6 and a size 8 for the swatch.  After blocking and measuring, the size 8 needle is spot on for the gauge for my Pickpocket.

I am super excited to be knitting on this, even though, it will get minimal amount of knitting time on it right now, as I have a couple of stockings and baby blanket that I absolutely have to devote my knitting time on right now.

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