Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Countdown - 5 Days

Yea!!! Only five days left of work and then more than a week off!

In the meantime, I still am waiting on a couple of presents to arrive and I need to shop for the rest of Mona Lisa's present.  She is at the age, that if she doesn't have the same amount of presents under the tree as Poppy, that she notices.

I finished a couple of knitting projects for our Halverson Christmas next weekend, and I'll post about them on Friday.

In the meantime, today has been a busy day.  The Tall Guy and I made two batches of fudge and finished up tonight getting it cut and in the tins for my staff at work so I can deliver it tomorrow.  The making it goes so much nicer when I have help.  And he got in the spirit of it and queued up some holiday music on iRadio for us.

The grandkids are not coming home until the new year, and one of the requests from my daughter-in-law is that Baby Boy A get a new knitted stocking.  I've been procrastinating on it, having had just the rib on it for several weeks, so I decided it was time to get moving on it.

I figure the sooner I put this one to bed, then I can give some full attention to my Nice-capades sweater, other than on Saturday knitting.

With just a week away until Christmas Eve, I am not sure that my second Christmas sock will be done, but I'll work on it in between the stocking.

In Central Illinois this week we are having some unseasonable weather, 40s and 50s.  I am not complaining, but I think we need a good cold spell to banish all those germs that are out there.  I am doing my best to side track them as I don't relish being sick this close to Christmas, but who does.

Stay well Knitters and I hope you are almost done with your holiday knitting and baking too.
Catch you on the purl side!

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